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News | 31 May 24
A Culture of Giving
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Facebook | 10 May 24
??親愛的媽媽們,母親節快樂!?? 謝謝天下所有的媽媽們給孩子們無盡的愛和關懷,陪伴我們走過每一段成長的路,支持我們每一個夢想。所以在這個特別的日子裡,我們想要對您說:祝您母親節快樂,願您幸福滿滿,身體健康,心情愉悅,美好的時光永遠陪伴您! 高雄美國學校攜手英國星光教育機構Starlight Education已為您的孩子準備好一個充滿樂趣和學習的暑假了,參加『立方衛星挑戰營』,與NASA太空人一同探索太空的奧秘。 這個挑戰營旨在培養下一代與國際接軌的衛星工程師和太空探險家,為他們提供了一個富有趣味和知識的學習平台。若您想獲得更多詳情,可以收聽國立教育廣播電台- 聽見好時光中對立方衛星挑戰營的專訪,,若您要預訂您的席位,請即造訪我們的網站!我們將竭誠為您服務。 ?️營隊日期:2024/7/22~2024/7/26,早上9點至下午4點 營隊地點:高雄美國學校 年齡限制:12-15歲 (小六至國三學生) ============================== 《CubeSat Challenge Kaohsiung 2024》 Website 官方網站: Official LINE account 官方LINE帳號:@897xljbd Contact number 聯絡電話: 0987-139-098 Organizer 主辦單位:Kaohsiung American School 高雄美國學校 Starlight Education 英國星光教育機構 #高雄 #全英文沈浸式學習 #2024夏令營 #太空營 #科技課程 #高空探索 #星際導師Sam #程式編碼 #3D設計 #機器人技術 #培養領導力 #公眾演講能力 #團隊合作 #設計思維 #國中生
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Facebook | 08 May 24
Last week we witnessed the ingenuity and creativity of our MYP students during IDU Week. Watch them in action and check out our blog post on the power of interdisciplinary learning --> #IDUWeek #IBMYP #StudentChangemakers #TaiwanSDGs #kasdragons
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Blog | 08 May 24
IDU Week
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Facebook | 07 May 24
This week, we are honoring our amazing faculty and staff who go above and beyond! Your dedication, passion and hard work are so appreciated. Thank you for all you do for our students and for the entire KAS community! #teacherappreciationweek #staffappreciation #grateful #kasdragons
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Facebook | 06 May 24
A BIG congrats to our Varsity Girls Soccer team and Varsity Boys Volleyball team for their performances this past weekend at the TISSA tournaments! And thanks to everyone who came out to cheer on our Dragons! ⚽ ? #studentathletes #kasdragons
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Facebook | 06 May 24
Today's the day - it's the IDU Week Exhibition at KAS! Our MYP students have been working all week on impressive interdisciplinary projects that not only demonstrate the knowledge and skills they've gained, but also their dedication to addressing global issues and local challenges head-on. ? From building models of sustainable communities to combat climate change and creating multilingual VLOGs promoting tourism and sustainability in local ecosystems, to creating engaging content to promote gender equality, and more, these projects are innovative, creative, and inspiring. Well done Dragons! ? #IBMYP #IDUWeek #interdisciplinarylearning #TaiwanSDGs #InspiringChange #kasdragons
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Facebook | 06 May 24
This week elementary students took the stage to showcase their many talents! From performances on the piano and saxophone, to a magic show, dance routines, and more, our young Dragons stole the spotlight! Congrats to all of the performers and a BIG thank you to our ES Student Council for organizing such a fun event! #talentshow #studentcouncil #kasdragons
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News | 04 May 24
TISSA Athletics Tournament
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